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Welfare benefits

1. Salary

Basic salary + perfect attendance bonus + monthly merit pay + annual bonus + holiday allowance + cash gift and consolation money.

2. Learning and Development

Our company has perfect training system, providing induction training, intemal training, extemal training and chances to visit and study from well-known enterprises.

3. Paid Annual Leave

One can have paid annual leave after one full year working in the company. The annual leave is 6 days for operator, 8 days for the engineer (including administrative personnel), 9 days for supervisor level, 10 days for manager level and above, increasing one day per year and not exceeding 19 days in total.

4. Legal Holiday

National legal holidays, marriage leave, maternity leave and breast-feeding leave and funeral leave and so on are all in accordance with the labor law and the relevant national regulations.

5. Meal Arrangement

The company has intemal staff canteen, giving out monthly food subsidies. With card-type consuming, it provides optional dining services and good dinning environment.

6. Accommodation

The company provides free independent single rooms, giving out monthly allowance for water and electricity. It's equipped width independent air conditioning and 24 hours hot water supply and independent toilet and bathroom.

7. Spare Time Activity

There is staff center inside the company, including convenience stores, internet cafes, Ping-Pong room, library, basketball court, allowing employees having a rich and colorful spare time.

8. Group Activity

Various and interesting activities, such as monthly staff birthday party, basketball friendship match, annual sports meeting, the worker family day, Arbor Day and women's day.

9. Bus Shuttle

Sending staff to Jinzhou subway station after work from Monday to Friday.
